Sunday 6 January 2013

Everyone else is doing it. I want to be cool too.

This is a New Year's Resolution thing that has begun 6 days late (Start as you mean to go on and all that jazz)

 I'm going to write a blog. I think if I write a big long "HEY MY NAME IS... I LOVE WRITING... I HAVE A PONY*.... Blah blah" post, I will probably be so disgusted with myself that I'll never write anything again (I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with doing that... It's just that my life is so incredibly generic that I'd bore you so much that you'd open a new tab) So I'm just going to pretend here that I've done this whole blogging thing loads of times before and this isn't the first time I've ever done this. Ever.

I'm also the type of person who takes up things and then drops them after a few weeks. I have to say, I'm a fantastic beginner. I've got beginner's luck in abundance. I think it's my talent. But it's a really crap talent to have because it only lasts about three weeks. Perhaps "fantastic beginner" is just a euphemism for "prolific quitter".

- Violin
- Cross Country Running
- Japanese (well, I haven't quite quitted it yet... I hope I haven't - I was kind of getting the hang of Hirigana)
- Camogie (for the benefit of glass windows everywhere this was probably a good thing that I quitted)
- Smoking (after smoking half a box of my friends cigarettes one night I woke up the following morning without a voice. F*cking karma)
- Going to the gym (anyone who says that they ENJOY going to the gym is a super fit LIAR with abs so defined you grate cheese off of them. The gym is NOT a fun place to be. Only hamsters should enjoy going to the gym because that's exactly what treadmills make me feel like... a hamster on that stupid wheely thing. Yawn. And also burrrrrrrrn. So much burning of the hamstrings)
- Blogging (I totes lied earlier on. Soz babes. I started one last year.... but I only ever posted once and it sounded like something that I would've written in the Composition part in my Junior Cert English paper that I was far too ashamed to continue with it. I also forgot my username and password)

Anyways. Yes. I'm going to write a blog.



This is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I LOVE the idea of writing a blog... I'm so envious of people who say "Well, I'm working on a blog at the moment" whilst taking a sip out of a Costa cup with one hand and adjusting their trilby hat with the other (sorry to generalise but I study arts. I'm surrounded by arts students all day. THIS IS WHAT WE DO)... it's just actually writing one?
 I think this is just one of the things that people just EXPECT you to do when you study English (I also study French... but French is hard and I hate the subjonctif and I have no idea what the plus-que-parfait is so I won't talk about that. Let's just pretend I don't study French at all so I don't feel guilty that I haven't opened a single text book in four weeks). And here we are. Three cheers for conformity!

What do you actually write about when writing a blog? Is this it? Do I just sit and stare at Google's rip off of Microsoft Word? Can I just write about what ever I want to write about?
What if I've got absolutely nothing of interest to say?

Ah sh*te.

That's kinda the point, isn't it?

Okay. Maybe I should just have started like everyone else and not have tried to be cool. Because I'm really crap at being cool. LAME (Who even says "lame"?! It's such a rubbish word. Usually I would say "gay" ie. "that's soooooooo gay" I say it a lot It's not a nice thing to do though; describing anything that I think is shite as homosexual. That's not right is it?)

New Year's Resolution #14: Stop using "Gay" as a derogatory term because then people will think you're being a douchebag and homophobic and stuff and someone will punch you in the face and you will have earned it.


This kind of reminds me of those really awkward conversations I had with my first "boyfriend" in the Gaeltacht when I was about twelve. You were only "boyfriendandgirlfriend" because the night before the pair of you were so desperate to lose your FRIGINITY at the díoscó mór that you were pushed together by his taller, less spotty - therefore hotter - friend. And then, 24 hours and a generous exchange of saliva later, you were lovers "So..... what do you want to talk about?" I DON'T KNOW. YOU TALK. Please talk? Tell me what to say? It would be so much easier. I don't have any opinions. Well I have opinions, but you know... we barely even know each other. I don't want to scare you off by talking about BIGMAJORWORLDISSUEPROBLEMTHINGS like, I don't know, how the bean an tí is a really useless cook or how her dog shat on my fake ugg boot the other day. JUST PUT YOUR ARM AROUND ME *PLEASE* SO THAT TO EVERYONE AT THE CÉILÍ  IT LOOKS LIKE WE'RE TOTALLY IN LOVE.

Or maybe that's just me. Maybe you're freaked out now. Maybe this is why my first lover never even texted me (I was heartbroken) after our two and a half weeks of rain,romance and the módh coinníolach  at summercamp in the wild, wild wesht.

Sorry for using so many caps locks. I know, they're really ugly. Next time, I'll use less. YES there's going to be a next time! ( I've got at least a fortnight of enthusiasm left for blogging before I drop it. )


*disclaimer: does not own pony

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